Donald Joseph Qualls (also known as DJ Qualls) is a fashion model and actor American actor. Alongside his Road Trip role, he was also a part of The New Guy Hustle & Flow in addition to The Core. Also, he's appeared on 22 television shows, including Breaking Bad Supernatural scrubs lost Law & Order and Law & Order, among other. Qualls was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma around age 14 and has been fighting the disease ever since. After two years of treatment, his cancer is in Remission. The earlier treatment had a severe impact on his health, and slowed growth. Once he started acting financially secure, it was his goal because his experience with poverty had been a part of his life. Interviewer stated that as the way he lived was so shabby over a period of time, I needed the financial security to feel confident and in control. The man also thinks back on his childhood and hopes to address the problem of bullying. "Cruelty is a pain to me," he said. The best DJ role is that of a real-life father. But he says "Directors don't cast my in the roles I'm in." It's a dream to one day be the parent of his own child, at which point he will be able spend much less time working and spend more time with his child.
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